C_wiz: for total recall

Low cost, high performance vessel monitoring for Microsoft Windows

"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas."

- Admiral Hyman Rickover

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C_wiz - its value to you

What is it

6 key features

The following key features differentiate C_wiz from any other product that is supposedly offering similar functionality:

      Total flexibility

      Data device drivers (D3s)

      Intelligent data censoring


      Data transfer

Getting recorded data from a PC on a vessel to a shore based PC for analysis can be a tedious exercise if it has to be done by removable media (floppy disk, Zip disk, CD etc). Normally this can only be done when the vessel is at its home wharf, typically a busy period occupied with other priorities such as passenger handling, refueling etc.

As well as transfer of recorded data via removable media, C_wiz can transfer recorded data via email. email data transfers can be requested over the Internet from the base or manually or automatically periodically initiated from the vessel.

In addition, instant messaging sessions can be established between copies of C_wiz running on different computers and connected via LAN and /or the Internet. The Internet connection can be conducted over a mobile phone providing (for example) real time vessel to base communications whenever the vessel is in mobile phone range, which is anywhere in the world if a LEO (low earth orbit) system is used.

      Test Drive

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