C_wiz: for total recall

Low cost, high performance vessel monitoring for Microsoft Windows

"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas."

- Admiral Hyman Rickover


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     Click to view several example VIPs    Click to view several example VIPs

     Click to view video of the Map Subsystem enhancements    Click to view video of the Video Subsystem enhancements     

C_wiz - its value to you

C_wiz enables you to automatically display, record and analyze all operational data and significant events on your vessel - it gives you TOTAL RECALL.

If you own a vessel this translates into being able to make sure your vessel/s are always used as per your instructions - regardless of whether you are present or not.

If you operate a vessel this translates into having proof beyond reproach as to the correctness of your actions in the event of a complaint or incident.

Vessel owners and operators just like you have installed C_wiz for reasons such as:

o Lease /warranty protection (new high speed dive boat).

o Vessel movement accountability (water police patrol fleet).

o Control of fuel consumption.

o Avoidance of vessel abuse (engine and gearbox).

o Timetable timeliness (ferry services).

o Observance of speed restrictions in specified areas (whale watcher).

o Incident context logging (ferry services).

o Real-time back to base vessel movements (water police patrol fleet).

Additionally, you may justify installing C_wiz for reasons such as:

o Satisfying a mandatory requirement on your commercial operation to maintain complete operational records.

o OEM warranty service validation, failure analysis and event documentation.

o Providing ongoing engineering data for subsequent design improvements in newbuilds.

You may find other less obvious uses of the product, once installed, such as:

o In the event of a catastrophic incident, to provide the context so that your operational routines can be modified to avoid a repeat.

o Assisting in the provision of preventative maintenance so that small problems do not become big expensive ones - at the most inconvenient time.

How does it work? - read [What is it]  following...

What is it

6 key features

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