C_wiz: for total recall

Low cost, high performance vessel monitoring for Microsoft Windows

"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas."

- Admiral Hyman Rickover

A typical data device...

C_wiz - its value to you

What is it

6 key features

The following key features differentiate C_wiz from any other product that is supposedly offering similar functionality:

      Total flexibility

      Data device drivers (D3s)

There are an enormous range of potential devices that could supply data on a vessel. To cope with this challenge C_wiz has been specifically designed to be independent of all data devices.

C_wiz itself has no knowledge of the characteristics or behavior of any data device that may be supplying data. This is handled by data device drivers - small pieces of software, independent of C_wiz, that may be written by third parties.

This unique feature of C_wiz allows it to be interfaced to almost any source of data in an extremely flexible manner.

This concept is very similar to that used by Microsoft Windows to interface to the galaxy of printers that are available - every printer comes supplied with a printer driver.

See D3 Library and SDK for further information.

      Intelligent data censoring


      Data transfer

      Test Drive

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