Dreaded feature
o C_wiz is a PC based
software product that allows you to gather, log and
transfer data emanating from data devices such as GPS
units, intelligent engine gauges, embedded engine data
control units, depth sounders, "on /off" devices,
analog sensors via A/D modules etc.
o The data can then be analyzed by playing, plotting,
mapping voyage tracks and reviewing event occurrences
- thus allowing a comprehensive history of a vessel's
usage to be maintained and monitored.
o All aspects of
behavior may be interactively tailored
to the user's requirements.
o Data gathering is
performed via data device drivers (D3s), a unique
feature of C_wiz that allows it to be interfaced to
almost any source of data in an extremely flexible
o Data logging is the
process of censoring data and searching it for events
then publishing the censored data and events in real
time (i.e. as it happens).
o Data publishing
includes recording a data value, displaying it on the
virtual instrument panel (VIP) as it occurs (in whatever
form the user defines) and broadcasting it over a C_wiz
instant messaging session. A map can be raised to show
the track of the voyage in progress.
Instant messaging
sessions can be established between copies of C_wiz
running on different computers and connected via LAN and
/or the Internet. The Internet connection can be
conducted over a mobile phone providing (for example)
real time vessel to base communications whenever the
vessel is in mobile phone range, which is anywhere in
the world if a LEO (low earth orbit) system is used.
o Transfer of
recorded data can occur via removable media (floppy
disk, Zip disk, CD etc) or email. email data transfers
can be requested over the Internet from the base or
manually or automatically periodically initiated from
the vessel.
o Playing of recorded
data produces a simulation of a nominated voyage on the
VIP. New events can be posthumously searched for. A map
can be raised to show the track of the corresponding
voyage in progress, slow speed of play and fast forward
/fast backward /pause /resume functionality.
o Plots of recorded
data vs date-time may be produced for any time period. A
map can be raised, showing the corresponding voyage
track, to provide position correlation (where was the
vessel when this happened? what was happening when the
vessel was here?).
o Events are the
single most powerful feature of C_wiz, enabling the user
to solve the "needle in the haystack" problem by
scanning data as it is received, or being played, for
the occurrence of incidents of importance to him.
o Event definitions
are under the user’s control and can include time lags
(e.g. high engine revs for 30 seconds) and combinations
of conditions (e.g. low gearbox oil pressure and high
engine revs, high speed in a restricted area,
tachometers out of sync at high engine revs).
o Recorded events can
be quizzed for over a nominated period to produce
summary reports, reports alphabetically ordered by event
description, full chronologically ordered reports or
chronological reports of a single event type with
by-day-of-week and by-hour-of-day distribution
o Event occurrences
can be shown "in context" by plot and map with cross
hairs indicating the exact location.
The Video
allows the user to view in
real-time, play or plot modes appropriate video frame
grabs completely synchronized to all the other data simultaneously captured.
o User tailoring of
all aspects of behaviour is achieved via 8 internal
interactive editors. Multiple tailoring definitions can
be kept on-line and changed to, generally "on the fly".
o VIP is the
simulation of an instrument panel, allowing the user to
display data in a digital (text) and /or analog (needle
gauge) form. Every aesthetic element is user definable.
Example gauges are supplied.
o Map can have an
underlay (typically a scanned chart or aerial
photograph) of the user's choice, used to supply visual
position cues. When analysing recorded data a voyage
track tracing option displays where voyage track will go
before it goes there. Chart conversion utilities are
provided which allow charts to be created from GeoTiff
files, BSB 2-3 files and scan files in bitmap, jpeg or
tiff format.
If Google Earth is installed on the PC it can be
automatically and fully integrated into the Map
o Snapshot allows the
user to "photograph" a VIP, plot or map's screen image
and output it to a Microsoft Windows capable printer.
o Data management
functions allow export, import and deletion of logged
data by arbitrary volume.
o Test Drive is a
comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help facility
which explains in detail the options available to the
user at any point.
o Ease of use was a
primary design consideration. The data gathering,
logging and publishing functions, which occur on the
vessel, are totally automatic and require no crew
intervention whatsoever. The analysis functions, which
typically occur ashore, have a very simple user
interface consistent with Microsoft Windows GUI
(Graphical User Interface) conventions.
o LAN aware C_wiz
executables can reside on any PC and be run from any PC,
the C_wiz tailoring and data files can reside on any PC
and be accessed from any PC and C_wiz can run on
multiple LAN connected PCs passing smoothed and filtered
data as it is received.
o "On /off" devices
are anything that can have only 2 states ("on" or
"off"). Examples include gear change, electric bilge
pumps, raw cooling water flow alarms and navigation