C_wiz: for total recall

Low cost, high performance vessel monitoring for Microsoft Windows

"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas."

- Admiral Hyman Rickover

Events shown in context (click to enlarge)

C_wiz - its value to you

What is it

6 key features

The following key features differentiate C_wiz from any other product that is supposedly offering similar functionality:

      Total flexibility

      Data device drivers (D3s)

      Intelligent data censoring


Events are the single most powerful feature of C_wiz, enabling the user to solve the "needle in the haystack" problem by scanning data as it is received, or being played, for the occurrence of incidents of importance to him.

Event definitions are under the user’s control and can include time lags (e.g. high engine revs for 30 seconds) and combinations of conditions (e.g. low gearbox oil pressure and high engine revs, high speed in a restricted area, tachometers out of sync at high engine revs).

Recorded events can be quizzed for over a nominated period to produce summary reports, reports alphabetically ordered by event description, full chronologically ordered reports or chronological reports of a single event type with by-day-of-week and by-hour-of-day distribution summaries.

Event occurrences can be shown "in context" by plot and map with cross hairs indicating the exact location.

      Data transfer

      Test Drive

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