Build 2009122817
build includes numerous enhancements that have resulted
in a much more stable and efficient product, additional improvements in the Google Earth
interface, an enhancement of the Instant Messaging
subsystem that provides the ability to transmit files
which adds functionality in three areas, new frame
grabber and system monitoring D3s and 4 chart conversion
Further Enhanced Google Earth Interface
The Google
Earth interface has been further enhanced, principally:
A fix has been added to cater for some new
eccentricities of Google Earth release 5.0 that caused
distortion of the Google Earth render window when it was reparented by C_wiz,
a side effect being that the Google Earth navigation controls
became unusable.
A fix has been added to cater for a bug introduced by
Google Earth 5.1 that prevented zooming by mouse wheel
on the Google Earth render window when it was reparented by C_wiz.
In normal operation most Google Earth error prompts,
including the hugely annoying
link fetch error", have been eliminated.
On the (now
much rarer) occasion when a Google Earth error prompt
surfaces C_wiz handles it by making sure it is brought
to the user's attention and accompanies it with a Test
Drive panel referring to suggested appropriate
responses. The Test Drive panel also refers to a
checklist of suitable Google Earth tailorings that will
reduce the likelihood of Google Earth error prompts and
improve performance and the user experience when Google
Earth is driven by C_wiz.
Transmission Via Instant Messaging Subsystem
The Instant
Messaging subsystem in all previous builds of C_wiz only
catered for the exchange of individual data items (a
tachometer reading, a latitude etc) or a one line
command (for example, as used by the Instant Messaging
[Request] menu).
The Instant
Messaging subsystem has been enhanced so that it is now
capable of exchanging files of any format.
capability is not intended for the exchange of large
files (e.g. the C_wiz executable) but is eminently
suitable for smaller files. Extensive testing with files
up to about 60 kB has proved satisfactory.
capability could be expensive to use due to the cost of high
speed ship-to-shore Internet connections.
This build
of C_wiz introduces new functionality in three areas
which makes use of this new capability:
AIS transmissions have
both navigational and ancillary components.
Until this build the
navigational components (latitude, longitude etc) could
be exchanged via the Instant Messaging subsystem but the
ancillary components (call sign, dimensions, cargo etc)
could not.
The nett effect was that a
remote C_wiz station could see the position of an AIS
target but could not see any AIS ancillary data in the
AIS target's focal point memo - the AIS ancillary data
could only be seen on the C_wiz station that ran the AIS
D3 that processed the AIS transmission.
This deficiency has now
been removed. Also included is a fairly sophisticated
"update required" signaling mechanism via Instant
Messaging commands, orchestrated by the Instant
Messaging host when it detects a new C_wiz co-host.
Note that this enhancement
is not just usable by AIS - it will be equally valuable
when the ARPA/MARPA D3 is developed.
This capability has a low
impact on Instant Messaging subsystem data volumes.
The Map subsystem has a
SAR (search and rescue) planning and dissemination
Generally SAR planning (e.g. determining drifts, search areas
etc) is carried out ashore and the resultant plan
(typically a detailed search pattern) is then
disseminated (i.e. transmitted) to the search vessel/s
which are normally on the way to, or in the vicinity of, the area of
interest. Such situations are inevitably continually
evolving requiring new bouts of planning and
Until this build the SAR
planning capability was reasonable (there are plans
fermenting to enhance this further) but the
dissemination capability was crude, requiring the use of
the C_wiz email subsystem and relying on levels of
expertise at both ends that are hard to maintain.
The SAR dissemination
capability has been massively improved by the addition
of a [SEND] button on the Map subsystem's SAR editor.
When this button is clicked the current SAR plan is
transmitted immediately and is automatically
(instantly?) displayed on the Map subsystem of the
receiving C_wiz station/s.
This capability has a low
impact on Instant Messaging subsystem data volumes.
The Video subsystem now
has a [SendStart/SendStop] menu which allows the user to
toggle on or off the ability to send grabbed video
frames over the Instant Messaging subsystem.
When the ability to send
grabbed video frames has been toggled on the user must
then position the mouse cursor over the display of the
video frame grabs to be sent. Sending only continues
while the mouse cursor is over the display of the video
frame grabs - if the mouse cursor is moved over a
different display of video frame grabs then these will
start to be sent.
Using the mouse cursor in
this way provides considerable yet simple flexibility
which at the same time limits the volume of data being
sent over the Instant Messaging subsystem.
To further
reduce the volume of data being sent over the Instant
Messaging subsystem the user can use the new Video
subsystem [Video] menu to define frequency, quality and
size overrides on the video frame grabs being sent. This
means that higher quality more frequent video frame
grabs can be saved on the C_wiz station that is running
the Frame Grabber D3/s while smaller lower quality less
frequent copies can be sent over the Instant Messaging
sending video frame grabs over the Instant Messaging
system a tooltip appears in the middle of the
display of video
frame grabs being sent. This tooltip contains
information on the rate at which data is being sent so
the user should be fully aware he is doing something
potentially expensive.
This capability has a
potentially high impact on Instant Messaging subsystem
data volumes.
Two new D3s
have been added to the
Current D3 Library:
Frame Grabber (S2255)
which supports the Sensoray S2255
4 channel USB frame grabber.
The addition of this D3 has necessitated the renaming of
the original Frame Grabber D3 as the
Grabber (LTMM)
Monitor which captures system performance counter data.
conversion utilities
C_wiz has a
"lowest common denominator" approach to the sourcing of
chart images to act as visual cueing aids or backdrops
in the C_wiz Map subsystem. The advantage of this
approach is that C_wiz charts can be sourced from almost
This simple
approach has 2 files associated with each C_wiz chart:
A background image (*.img) which contains the graphical
content in a bitmap, run length encoded bitmap or jpeg
A world file (*.cht) which is a small human readable
text file
which contains information such as the corner latitudes
and longitudes of the associated background image.
To simplify
the creation of these files a number of
conversion utilities
are supplied in a separate download at this build,
Download for further information).
conversion utilities install as C_wiz habitats, once installed all the user has to do to
access them is launch C_wiz
[File] then click [Habitats] then click the utility of
choice. Each utility is fully integrated with Test Drive, a
comprehensive context-sensitive on-line help facility
which explains in detail the options available to the
user at any point.
Extensive Stability And Performance Enhancements
Protection Faults
(GPF) and Unhandled Errors (UHE) are the bane of any
major piece of software.
handling capabilities were introduced at build 2006112507
which enabled such problems to be managed and logged.
This has facilitated the modification of some code that has largely (never
say totally) eliminated such issues.
handling capability has a reasonable performance impact
so the normal production executable (C_wiz.exe) is now
supplied with this capability suppressed.
This, in
conjunction with other code changes, has resulted in an
executable with significantly lower resource